Ozonoterapia Dental | Clinalgia Formación

Ozone dental therapy is used for dental and oral treatments (herpes, aphthae, etc.) to destroy pathogens.

Ozone, widely known for its microbial and disinfectant properties, is used in the medical and dental fields, avoiding the inflammatory process, and fostering scarring at a cell level.

Ozone is a gaseous molecule consisting of three oxygen atoms (O3) instead of the two atoms that form the oxygen molecule (O2).

Ozone therapy consists of the application of medical ozone for therapeutic purposes.

If it is being applied in the dental cavity, we would be referring to ozone dental therapy or ozone therapy in dentistry.



  • What Is Ozone Dental Therapy?
  • Applications of Ozone Dental Therapy


Ozone Therapy for Periodontal Disease

  • Ozone Therapy for Obturations and Bonded Restorations
  • Ozone Therapy for Dental Traumas
  • Ozone Therapy in Endodontics
  • Ozone Therapy for Prosthesis


Ozone Therapy in Dental Implantology

  • Ozone Therapy in Oral Surgery


Ozone Therapy in Oral Medicine

  • Ozone Therapy for Oral and Craniomandibular Pain
  • Therapy in Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Ozone Generators
  • Ozonette Dental


What Is Ozone Dental Therapy?

Since its biological properties and pharmacology are well known and have been published in specialised journals, ozone dental therapy is increasingly being developed in medicine and dentistry.

From the Spanish Society of Ozone Therapy (SEOT), we can have access to the reference text in the medical field called WFOT Review on Evidence Based Ozone Therapy.

More specifically addressing dentists, we can also find the book Advances of Ozone Therapy in Medicine and Dentistry, by Dr. Silvia Menéndez and Dr. Mark Weiser.

From a chemical perspective, medical ozone is very unstable, and it cannot be stored or preserved. That is the reason why it needs to be produced in the clinic right before being applied.

It is synthesized from medical oxygen (and not from regular oxygen), which is fundamental in ensuring its efficacy and safety in particular applications.

The antiseptic, repairing, reoxygenating, antioxidant and immune-modulating effects of medical ozone justify the increasing interest of health professionals, including dentists, using it always as adjuvant treatment.

It can be combined with conventional treatments since it does not interfere with those.

Overall, the scientific evidence levels are limited, and more research is needed. Nevertheless, the good tolerability of ozone therapy supports its increasingly widespread application as an adjuvant treatment for stomatognathic system diseases (mouth and related structures).


Applications of Ozone therapy in dentistry

Ozone dental therapy applications include the followings:

  1. Periodontal Disease
  2. Obturations and Bonded Restorations
  3. Dental Trauma
  4. Endodontics
  5. Prosthesis
  6. Dental Implantology
  7. Oral Surgery
  8. Oral Medicine
  9. Oral and Craniomandibular Pain
  10. Cosmetic Dentistry


1- Ozone Therapy for Periodontal Disease

It is a chronic inflammatory disease without cure affecting gums and the bone holding them.

The optimal balance between people immune and antioxidant systems and the bacteria in the oral cavity (biofilm) is upset.

This leads to a constant state of inflammation.

The generated inflammatory molecules can reach patient’s blood and affect

any of the organs (e.g., the heart) or destabilise general diseases, such as   EN diabetes.

The conventional treatment is based on removing the bacterial plaque and controlling the inflammation with professional cleaning, and sometimes surgically.

This is complemented with antibiotics and customised hygiene techniques.

Medical ozone is a highly effective treatment for periodontal disease, avoiding surgery and extending life expectancy of natural teeth following easy, safe, efficient, and very little invasive protocols.


2- Ozone Therapy for Obturations and Bonded Restorations

It is commonly known as fillings and natural-looking crown restorations affected by dental caries and/or fractures.

When filling, a bed of enamel or dentine that is sterilised as much as possible will enhance a successful bonding and reduce postoperative sensitivity.

The antiseptic power of medical ozone facilitates the restraint of a carious injury and the remineralisation of dental tissue, diminishing the sensitivity and enabling an “ultraconservative” dental practice more reliably in case of extended and deep dental caries, root caries or caries in children.


3- Ozone Therapy for Dental Trauma

In case of partial fractures, without the dental pulp being exposed, ozone will help to get the fractured surfaces in the best possible condition before they can be repaired.

If the dental pulp is exposed, the regenerative and antiseptic effect would sterilize and stimulate the injured pulp.

In case of a dental dislocation or pullout without being fractured (avulsion), ozone can help the reimplanted or mobile tooth to be fixed once again in its bone base.


4- Ozone Therapy in Endodontics

This application has been successfully assessed in several clinical studies.

Thanks to its gaseous nature, medical ozone diffusion within the root canal would facilitate conducts system sterilization and periapical repair.

Its efficacy is similar to the one of sodium hypochlorite without affecting the fibroblastic function, even though both techniques can be combined in the same surgical procedure.

Thanks to its tissue-stimulating capacity, the postoperative period is less painful, with lower failure rates.

If severe infections eventually drain into the mouth (fistulisation), the leaking duct (fistula) can be treated with ozone, limiting the injury and the pain before determining a more definitive treatment.

After several applications, inflammation and suppuration generally decrease, enabling a cleaner periapical surgery with a greater prospect of success.


5- Ozone Therapy for Prosthesis

We can exploit ozone analgesic and antiseptic capacity to diminish the remaining sensitivity in the sculpted teeth after exposing dentin tubules.

Our experience prior bonding or filling procedures of dental crowns, facets, or inlay

has been positive.  


6- Ozone Therapy in Dental Implantology

We find it extremely useful in maintaining the health of implant-supported prostheses, as well as in preventing complications.

Several researchers have studied the safety of this technique, which is a suitable alternative in cases of inflammation and peri-implant infections (peri-implantitis and mucositis).

In our experience, it is a good option to try to avoid more invasive surgeries and prosthetic replacements.


7- Ozone Therapy in Oral Surgery

Medical ozone is an effective tool to facilitate sterilisation, vascularisation, and healing of surgical sites.

It has also been successfully used in the treatment of maxillary osteonecrosis.


8- Ozone Therapy in Oral Medicine

We use it as a complementary treatment in the case of oral infections of any kind, as it will improve vascularity and local immunity in viral injuries, areas of gingivostomatitis, ulcers, etc.


9- Ozone Therapy for Oral and Craniomandibular Pain

We use it to treat temporomandibular arthritis and muscle pain.

It allows us to avoid the use of corticoids and to regenerate muscle function and elasticity by oxygenating the muscle and releasing tension.

It can also help reduce neuropathic pain (nerve damage) by promoting remyelination.


10- Ozone Therapy in Cosmetic Dentistry

Ozone is a powerful bleaching agent, for which protocols have been described, but we use it as a complement to the conventional techniques to avoid hypersensitivity reactions.


Ozonoterapia en Odontología | Curso de Clinalgia Formación


Types of Ozone Generators

There are two main types of ozone generators:


Ozone generators for domestic or industrial use.

For environmental health, food hygiene, industrial processes, or environment. They are used in the forms of air or water for the elimination of bacteria, fungi, and viruses.


Medical Ozone Generators

Medical ozone generators are used to produce the ozone-oxygen mixture at the exact concentrations required for ozone therapy.

Among the most common medical treatments with medical ozone generators are diabetic foot ulcers, herniated discs, fibromyalgia, cosmetic and anti-ageing treatments, as well as dental treatments.

We prefer to provide ozone dental therapy with medical ozone applications, which is obtained from medical oxygen.

There are many publications in medical journals on the pharmacology, bioavailability, tolerability, and safety of medical ozone.

Among medical ozone generators we find specific devices such as Ozonette Dental.


Ozonette Dental

Ozonette Dental is a device that generates medical ozone for dentists, which means that it is possible to safely infiltrate healthy and pathological tissues, surgical sites, and lesions.


Ozonoterapia en Odontología | Curso de Ozonette Dental






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